Let's talk about Life ...

I hear people all the time complain about how they were born in the wrong generation, if this is you, I have some earth shattering news - you weren’t. You were meant to be born into this timeline, you were meant to be born into one of the existing generations. Silent, Boomers, Y, Z, Alphas, the generations that are currently walking this earth, whichever you belong to, you’re meant to be apart of it. What’s even wilder, is that you chose the exact time and timeline that you were going to be born into, before you were even born. That’s on the soul contract - but that’s for another post let’s start with the very basics first.

Anyways, I know I was born at exactly the right time, to exactly the right generation. I know this, because what I’m doing, right now, sharing, expressing, engaging in conversation pertaining to spirituality, mediumship, witchcraft, astrology, alternative healing etc. would have had me burned at the stake a few generations back or so. My other options would be crusading, pilgrimaging, walking across countries with a soap box and a message from the universe which eventually would have led to total societal ostracisation or worse, crucifixion - which was a lot more common back in the day than the bible would have you believe - they were throwing everyone up on those crosses - not just our man JC. If successful it would probably have lead me down the path of starting a cult - which is not too far fetched considering that was my high school  superlative - I shit you not, it was “most likely to start a cult” so you could say your girl has always been unsettlingly influential.

So thank god I was born when I was, because not only, is it now safe for me to speak on these topics, I mean of course there is still backlash, confusion and hate toward spiritualists in the current age but in the west we are no longer being hunted, hanged or burned for speaking on such topics, at least not as prolifically as we used to be… and we can no longer justify killing women we may not get along with personally in the name of “witchcraft”  and all of this would have the consequence of serious jail time for the offender rather, than community support and public reverence so you could say the vibe has shifted into a safe space.

Anyways, I’m here to tell you all the secret, I’m here today to answer the question that has been plaguing generations, centuries, the minds of our scholars, philosophers, religious leaders, politicians…I am here to tell you the meaning of life…the meaning of life - is to live it.

Life of course bears more meaning than just life and what we experience within life, the lessons, the love, the heartbreak, the joy, the pain and the miracles, the laughter and the tears, all these things give life more meaning, but the meaning of life, of why you’re here, why I’m here, why we’re all here - is to just experience physical life. So as we all get caught up in the rat race, in comparison, in the ever present pressure of having to do something extraordinary, be someone extraordinary, live this life that everyone else would view as extraordinary, remember - you already are extraordinary. The odds of you being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion. Maybe even 1 in 400 quadrillion. That is incredibly unlikely to the point of impossible.  Those stats alone let us know that not only is it near impossible, bordering on miraculous that you are existing right now but also that your existence alone is enough to for you to have lived life successfully. Given the chances of existence, the fact that you’re here, experiencing this life at the exact time you’re experiencing it - is not a coincidence, it is not a mistake, it is not a waste of space, energy or body. We get so caught up on the whole thought process of why we’re here and what we’re meant to be doing and panicking about how we’re living or if we’re living enough, that we rarely stop to look around and think “shit I’m really in this bitch - I’m really alive right now, with a whole ass body, in this whole ass world, with this whole ass life to live” and that in and of itself is enough to be satisfied with your existence because your existence alone is what makes you extraordinary - anything you do over and above that is up to you, but in order to have had a successful and worth while life - all you have to do is to have lived it.


When dealing with spiritual truths and energy knowledge it takes a while for us to fully embody that information. First we hear information, then we know it, once we know it, we begin to integrate it and then finally, we embody it. A good way to think about this is that initially, the eternal wisdom that is your soul will whisper something to you, now depending on how disconnected you are from your soul, this whisper may not be heard for years and years but once you hear it, it begins to get louder.

That whisper transforms itself into a thought, once it is a thought, we start to learn it, to know it. Usually the knowing is an “aha” moment, an epiphany or a complete gear shift. We get excited about the thought and the potential this thought can carry and this is where integration beings. Now the integrating is the hardest part in this entire process. This is where you have to unlearn what you have been told and re learn what you know to be truth. This is the stage in which we start to undo our programming. When I say programming I refer to the standard of thought, action, awareness and emotion that we are taught to engage in from a very young age.

Programming is what we have been told by society, school, government, media etc. Programming is in essence the way we’re told to think, act and be so that we stay in line with the current political agenda and climate, meaning we are easier to manipulate and control as a collective. When we are scared, when we operate from a place of lack, when we are dependant on the government for information, protection and financial aid we are very easy to control - for example whatever tf went on with those lockdowns and the economic crisis that followed- but let’s talk about that in another post, otherwise we would be here for hours.

At the end of the day programming all boils down to politics and politics is very good at programming, un-programming and reprogramming depending on the desired agenda.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, when we start to integrate thoughts that require deprogramming in order to be fully embodied, we also start to wake up to the collective mindset around us and how the majority of society are in essence, brainwashed into misalignment, into lack, into comparison and fear. From personal experience and exhaustion, I highly would advise against trying to deprogram everyone around you whilst deprogramming yourself…you don’t have to head this advice but take it from me, if someone is not ready to hear a truth of the universe that fundamentally goes against everything they know or have ever been told, then it is really an uphill battle that leaves you looking insane and drains you of your energy…again this is anecdotal advice.

But its not all doom, gloom and political conspiracy (only a little bit) Once we start to deprogram and unlearn everything that we are told we should be, every path that were told we should take, every house, car, wardrobe, toy, phone, life that were told we should buy - we begin to understand who we truly are, what we truly want, we start to uncover our dharma (soul purpose) we start to discover our passions, our ambitions, our love that exists so deeply for everything in this world -including ourselves. We start to grow, to bloom, to understand that the grass is not greener on the other side, its green where you water it. We start to realise that comparison is the thief of joy and that the life we once desired was just a programming tool to keep us complicit, broke and constantly yearning for more whilst not realising we already have everything we need within us. Every time you deprogram, every time you release something that is not you, remember something that is. That is soul retrieval.

Your soul that has been hidden and shunned and silenced starts to surface. You start to notice the breeze in the trees, the beauty of every single moment, the art that exists pain, the love that exists in grief. You start to realise, as you alchemise the energy of your soul into your physical life that no one - literally no one can do what you came here to do. We all have unique and special gifts to offer this world and finding your gifts, finding your soul purpose is the biggest reminder that in all that time you spent chasing a life that’s lead by others - you were running from your own.

In 2020 my partner passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly, it’s an epic, dramatic love story which will most definitely be receiving its own post but for the purposes of this blog I had to include this brief synopsis of my earth shattering trauma. His name was Eric, I loved him so deeply that when he passed my entire world, my path, my purpose was flipped on its head. It was like someone put me in a glass jar and shook as hard as they could. When Eric died, mortality and grief became the forefront of my world and when you’re 21, that is not a place that you want to be, nor a space that you’re at all ready to navigate. At 21, the cliche of “tomorrow is never promised” became a horrendously painful reality. At 21, I realised how precious and finite life is, that you don’t have to be sick or old or suicidal to die, I had heard of freak accidents and people dying “before their time” I just thought it was stuff of movies, or distant Facebook friends who you hear about thru abstract RIP posts. I knew, of course that people died young - I just hoped, or more naively assumed it would never be a young person that I know, it would never happen when I was young too.


The beauty that came from this tragedy, the miracle that stemmed from this misery was my understanding of death. Death has taught me all of my most important lessons on life. Only death has shown me true life and as horrendous as it was to navigate the death of Eric - it set me up for the most beautiful and healing understanding of life. You see, I know now that at any moment we may leave this body, this earthly vessel, we may die. I know now, that the only thing we’re guaranteed in life is death - not even taxes anymore, I’ve seen people evade those - but trust me none of us are evading death. The moment this clicks, like true deeply clicks is the exact moment that you start to truly live.

After Eric’s death, I realised that I don’t care what people think, I don’t care if people can see me dancing and singing alone in my car, music blasting, windows down, because I may turn the corner and be run off the road and how upsetting would it be if I let fear and judgement take that final moment of joy from me. I know now, that chasing career and status can be fun and fulfilling but nothing compares to the time spent with those who truly love you, who care for you, time spent slowing right the fuck down and bathing in gratitude for all that exists around you, stopping smell the roses, I mean literally smelling the roses. Taking a moment to feel the breeze on your face, to feel water on your skin. Taking time to help or  save an animal an insect - even a spider, rather than letting it die because once you feel true grief, you never want to be the one who purposefully creates it. To hear the laugh of your friends, your family. Eating good food, appreciating good art, creating your own art and expressing from your heart, freely, openly, without wondering “will this sell” “will this make sense to everyone else” because at the end of the day - none of it has to make sense to anybody else, it just has to make sense to you.


So, as we panic about what our lives should be like, look like, feel like - we often forget to truly live it. Could you imagine, if you died today and looked back on your time here on earth and it was spent trying so hard, trying relentlessly to be like other people, to impress other people, to be approved by other people, you spent all that time, that precious finite time, worried about peoples opinions, projections and judgements. You didn’t buy the dress, because people would think it’s too loud. You didn’t quit the job because you were too scared that people won’t support/understand your true calling. You didn’t end the argument, because you were too caught up in your pride to realise that even when you’re fighting, death waits for no one. I’m not saying do whatever you at the expense of everyone else, I hope those listening would be sentient enough to understand that we must still move with kindness, love, compassion and empathy for others through life, that sometimes we will make sacrifices to help others in this life, that sometimes, often times we will do things for others that require no reciprocity or reward because humans need love, support and community- but I also hope that you remember that you’re human too and  to show all of that love and support to yourself as well, as you navigate through this world.


BUT - just as there are some of us who are relentlessly chasing the life we have been programmed to desire there are also others who are foregoing most of their lived experience to engage with the spiritual/5D side of life. When I say 5D I’m referring to the 5th dimension, meaning spirit, soul, universe, god, ghosts - the other side and the never ending vastness of the universe and all she holds. 3D refers to our lil earth selves and all the ongoings of our planet and societies. So, there are some who have managed to deprogram and find their way back to their soul, only in that journey they completely lost touch with their selves. You see, if we were meant to stay perfectly pure, perfectly spiritual, perfectly aligned with the universe, if we were meant to know all, feel all, understand all without first experiencing anything - we would not have incarnated. We would have stayed on the other side, we would have remained perfectly in our spirit body, if that’s what we needed to do. But when we make the decision to come to earth, to inhabit a body  we make a decision to be human and with that decision comes all the mess and grief and love and lessons of humanity. We aren’t here just to meditate, disassociate, to wait for the aliens to beam us back home or to live lives that are so perfectly aligned with God  and spirit that we actually forget to experience life as a human. We are not just soul, we are also body and spirituality is a massive, important and critical part of our existence here on earth but our earth existence and human experience is and always should be our first priority. We are here for the mess, to monumentally fuck up, to hurt deeper than we knew possible, the be tricked and played and betrayed, we are here to experience the grief and confusion because its through those lessons and how we handle those situations as humans, that our soul truly grows, truly expands, truly engages in what it means to be alive. On the flip side of that were also here for the love, the joy, the art and the celebration, for the community and nature, for singing, dancing, feeling and dreaming. We are here to taste colours, to feel real physical love in all its forms, to be with form rather than just formless. We are here to physically experience life and all that comes with it. So as you're deprogramming what you’re told to be, how you’re told to think, how you’re meant to live - don’t forget that living is still your main priority here. As you fall deeper and deeper into your soul remember to integrate with your earth life, mind and body.


There’s a saying that I love, I used to say it to Eric all the time and it goes “a ship in a dock is safe, but that’s not why ships were built” so remember that as easy as it is to retreat into the safety of spirit, as easy as it is to follow the status quo or retreat to the safety of society and live a life that has been programmed and played out for you over and over again - that’s not why you were built. You were not built to be perfectly spiritual, you were not built to be perfectly human. You were built, you were born to be imperfectly, disgustingly and miraculously - you. So get out there and get messy babies, life is waiting for you to live it exactly how you are meant to live it - and on those days where you feel like you’re not doing enough, not being enough, not feeling enough or channelling enough remember - if you woke up, took a breath and had another day of just existing, just living, just experiencing a day as a human then you have done enough.


The meaning of life is not hidden in some sacred ancient text, its not hiding behind money, power and success, the meaning of life is within you and within every day that you continue to live. The meaning of life is to simply live it.



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