How to spot a soul tie: Karmic Partners, Soul Mates & Twin Flames

How to spot a soul tie: Karmic Partners, Soul Mates & Twin Flames

Let's talk soul ties... I guarantee that each and every one of you has experienced some form of soul tie a some point in your life. Soul ties are not always these grand unions of unshakeable energy, they aren’t always a knight in shining armour coming to sweep you off your feet, they aren’t always stress free happy endings, in fact they’re more often than not the opposite of that.

You see, being soul tied to someone means that in one way or another, for one reason or another, you have an energetic and spiritual attachment to another soul. This may sound romantic or kismet or magical and it is. Our souls recognise each other, speak the same language, flow on the same frequency, the familiarity of spirit in a person you haven’t met in this life yet is one of the most comforting connections you can experience. However, just because two souls are right for each other, the two people who embody them may not be.

Our souls are our divine selves, when we are in the spirit realm and without body, our souls are the most perfect version of self that we can be. However, when we incarnate as humans we experience a whole lot of life that can seperate or distance us from our true soul self. This can be education, trauma, child hood experience, past relationships, travel - you name it, the human experience can often disconnect us from our souls and because of that, we are not always perfect reflections of our souls and this… is where soul ties get messy.

Before we get any further into any of this, let’s discuss the soul contract. I will be writing a more detailed essay on the ins and outs of the soul contract but for now a brief synopsis will do. So when we are in the spirit realm, when we decide to reincarnate into an earthly existence, we get together with soul family, friends, spirit guides and ancestors to write up what is known as the soul contract. The soul contract is a literal contract for your time on earth, this includes all the trauma you’ll face, the generational curses or blessings that you’ll inherit, the big moments in life such as getting married, having kids, your death and the death of those you love. The soul contract is a detailed document of your entire life before it’s even begun and YOU are the one who signs off and decides on all of it. Including your soul tie partnerships. So let’s talk a little bit about the different types of soul ties, starting with Karmic Partners.

Karmic Partners are without a doubt the most common form of soul tie connection. Karmic Partners have come to teach us something. More often than not, they act as mirrors to reflect back the parts of us that we are refusing to face, cycles of trauma that we are stuck in or, on a lighter note embody aspects of self that we wish to possess. When meeting a karmic partner the connection is hard and fast. Karmic partners can come in the form of romantic or platonic relationships, sometimes they can be familial but that is not as common.

When meeting a karmic partner you are immediately drawn to one another and that’s because your souls recognise each other as a pre-destined connection to facilitate growth, soul expansion or to end a karmic cycle. If you’ve ever met someone and were suddenly completely enamoured with who they are, they possess personality traits that you wish you had, their energy is magnetic and you admire all that they are, hoping that one day you could be like them too, you’ve met a karmic partner. This form of karmic partner facilitates relationships that usually burn hard and fast, it feels as though you both merge into one being as you assimilate your personalities, picking and choosing the parts of them that you wish to embody. Learning from each other, growing from each other, guiding each other. These karmic partnerships usually end amicably and without too much damage as you fade from love to friendship or from friendship to acquaintances. You have learnt all that that soul was meant to teach you and you are now ready to attract your next level of soul connection/relationship.

The next form of karmic partner is where the soul tie is a direct reflection of a karmic debt or reward, now the kicker with this one is - you may not be paying off or cashing in karma from this life, it can be from a previous one. This form of karmic partner we understand well, for example, if you cheated on someone in a previous relationship and then are the one to be cheated in on your next relationship, that’s a form of karmic partnership. If you gave all of your love to someone who did not appreciate it in a previous relationship, then meet someone who not only appreciates it but reflects it back onto you in your next relationship, that is a form of karmic partnership. If you have karmic debt to settle with someone from previous lives, you may meet them in this life to even the keel and this is where things can go awry, because you don’t understand why this has happened to you, you don’t understand what you did in this life to deserve this karmic outcome and that’s because you haven’t done anything, at least not in this life. Take the example of my last boyfriend. We had a karmic partnership that was intense and passionate and otherworldly, we felt so connected to one another, knowing almost instantly this connection ran deeper than just two kids in love and operating as constant mirrors for one another during the course of our union. He drowned in 2020, for the longest time I tried to assign meaning to his death that stemmed beyond karma. His death had brought me back to God, had opened me up to spirit and fully opened my physic gifts and ability, for the longest time I thought the only reason that I had loved him and lost him was for this, to use spirituality as a tool to help myself and others navigate life, death and everything in between. However, there were larger karmic forces at play. It turns out that we were together in our last earth incarnation, we were in love, we had a family and after a personal tragedy I took my own life by drowning myself in the bath tub. So there you have it folks a direct karmic link that evens the keel of a karmic debt created in a previous life. Karmic partners are the debt collectors of the spirit world.

The final and my most favourite form of karmic partner is the partner that is sent to test if you have learnt your lesson. If you find yourself repeating the same relationship or asking yourself “why does this always happen to me in relationships” I am so sorry to inform you that the reason this keeps happening to you - is you. When we have experienced trauma through relationships we are given time to grow, heal and learn from that union as to make sure we don’t engage with another similar connection. We end our relationship, whether it be romantic, platonic or professional and work to heal ourselves, to understand how we got ourselves into that situation in the first place and try our best to recognise the signs so that we won’t find ourselves there again. We heal ourselves in theory, the karmic partnership that is delivered to us after this healing is the practice.

Think about it this way, just like at school, you’re studying for a test, you read all the literature, write all the essays, you start bragging about how much you’ve learnt, how you’re going to ace this test and then it comes to exam day and you freeze, you answer everything incorrectly, somethings you don’t even answer at all. At this point, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve theorised, how much you’ve studied, how much work you put it because when it came time to apply all of that work - you didn’t. Now, think of the universe as a school and your karmic partner as the test. You can say that you’ve grown, you’ve healed, you recognise the patterns, it’ll never happen again, you can say whatever you want but as you do, the universe will hand deliver the exact same person that you’ve healed from, with the exact same traits you swore to recognise next time and will put them directly in your path but this time wearing different clothes, with a different face, living a different life, but the same person none the less and THIS is your test. You will either pass and not engage with this karmic partner or you will fail and start a relationship with them, only to realise down the track you’re in the exact same place you were with your last partner. Now, don’t worry, if you fail the test nothing bad happens to you, you don’t get in any trouble, just like at school all you have to do is repeat the test until you pass, once you pass you’re able to move onto the next grade or for the purposes of this essay your next connection, which if you’re lucky, will be a soul mate.

Now, soul mates have a huge hype but they are actually the most prolific form of soul ties and are more often than not, platonic and familial connections over romantic ones. Soul mates refer to people who’s souls are from the same place that yours is, this can mean they are from the same soul home as you or it can meant they’re part of your soul family/friends on the other side. You all decided to incarnate together and wrote up somewhere in the soul contract exactly when and where you’ll meet. Most of us are lucky enough to have at least one soul mate in our family, usually someone older than us who acts as an earth side spirit guide for you through this life. Soul mates are common and you’ll encounter multiple throughout your life, the narrative of “the one” is false, we actually have many “ones” and this is due to the affect of humanity on the soul. As I was saying earlier, there are many factors that go into shaping us as humans, factors that can seperate us from our souls and from our soul mates. We usually come down with multiple and many soul mates, so that whatever direction our free willed human selves take, there will be a soul mate on that path waiting for us too.

Imagine, you’re in the middle of Siberia, in a bar where no one speaks your language, no one knows who you are and no one is trying to get to know you either, all of a sudden the door swings open and in walks an Australian (or a person from whatever country your from) you are immediately drawn to them, even without knowing them you feel comfortable around them, you know they speak the same language as you, have the same collective memories as you, the same sense of humour, the same education, the same outlook on life and that, is what it’s like bumping into a soul mate in the bar that is earth. Soul mates are beautiful connections where you can be 100% yourself without fear of judgement, abandonment or betrayal. Soul mates see your soul before they see your human self and this more often than not creates beautiful and lifelong unions of friendships, family or romance. In rare cases, soul mate ties won’t work out and that is again due to the earth side or human self not embodying the soul. Seeing someones soul is seeing their purest form and all their potential but remember if they are not able to embody that potential or integrate that energy into their human self,  its ok to love them from a distance, to protect yourself and help them grow into who they’ve always been.

The final form of soul tie is that of the twin flame. Oh mama, the twin flame… this is a very rare form of soul tie, not all of us will have twin flames, in fact most of us will not. A twin flame is where a soul has expanded to such a frequency that is cannot be held by just one body, so instead it’s spilt into two. One soul, two bodies and when these two bodies meet it is game over. Twin flames are not like soul mates or karmic partnerships, they are not easy to navigate and to our little human selves they are incredibly confusing and all encompassing connections that once recognised will never be forgotten. Twin flames often do not end up together either, which seems a little counter intuitive but let me explain why. You see if you’re experiencing a twin flame connection, you’re experiencing a relationship with the other half of your soul and if you think that the souls of others can be great teachers, wait till you’re faced with the soul of your self. Your soul will recognise itself and hold nothing back in the hopes of being reunited with its other half, but there are always lessons to learn before a peaceful and happy union can come about. You are not learning to love another soul, you are not learning to love another person, you are learning to love yourself and your own soul through another vessel. So usually we meet a twin flame and the energy is unmatched, indescribable you are so drawn to this person that you cannot imagine life without them and then they are swiftly removed, this cycle continues to repeat over and over and over again. The universe brings you together and separates you because a twin flame is an all in one soul tie, a twin flame is a karmic partner and a soul mate, so not only are you being put thru the ringer of karmic lessons with a twin flame partnership, you’re also perfectly mirroring one another.

Now how can we tell the difference between a twin flame and a karmic partner? The energy with a twin flame doesn’t die, once you’ve learnt your first lessons with a twin flame and they’re removed from your world, you will continue to think about them, to feel them, to stay connected to them, not only that but they will be back for round 2, 3, 4, however many rounds it takes until you learn whatever the twin flame is trying to teach you. Karmic partnership and the attachment you have their energy will fade once the lesson is learnt. If you have met your twin flame you will  most likely be faced with them over multiple different karmic partners as you move thru the lessons and phases of your life.

How can we tell the difference between a soul mate and a twin flame? For starters the energy between soul mates is no where near the energy of twin flames and soul mates are almost always, unproblematic and easy unions that rarely finish or fizzle. Twin flame connections take you on a journey back to self, source and soul through the physical embodiment of half your soul in another human body. Twin flames can only come into peaceful union once the lesson of self love has been learnt. It’s only when we truly feel we are ok without them, when we truly let them go and sink into our own heart space that they come back into our lives. A twin flame is the perfect representation of “if you love something set it free, if it’s meant to be it’ll come back to you” except the lesson in it all, is the thing you’re meant to love is yourself and once you do, you’ll call your other half back to you. Twin flames are the only soul tie that can be considered legitimate other halves of one whole person.

So there you have it my loves, everything you need to know on soul ties, how to spot them, how to navigate them and how to live with them. Take a look back at your life and the relationships within them, see if you can determine where the soul ties lie or if they’re still present and remember that relationships are our greatest arenas of growth, expansion and understanding, so stop running from connection, its the only way we can grow.

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